Sunday, June 19, 2016

2012 - A Story of the End of the World

documentary national geographic, Is December 21 2012 fate day for Mankind?

A fair-minded (as fair-minded as you can have it) take a gander at the certainties about the year 2012 and the Predicted End of the World on the Mayan Calendar.

December 21, 2012. Mark your Calendar.

End or Beginning?

For a long time now 2012 have been exhibited as doomsday for Mankind. Numerous books has been composed, numerous documentaries introduced and now even a Hollywood blockbuster is going to hit the wide screen. Yet, after so much discussion... what is truly 2012? It will be the start of the end or the end of the starting?

We should assemble the truths around this.

documentary national geographic, Everything began close to the focal point of the Mayan culture, the antiquated city of Teotihuacan. Situated around 31 miles north-east of the Mexico DC. The city is surely understood by two of the most amazing developments on the planet: Pyramid of the Sun, and the Pyramid of the Moon.

Numerous components recognize the Maya from different societies of antiquated Mesoamerica, however one that has pulled in voyagers, researchers, and lovers for a considerable length of time is Maya Hieroglyphic Writing. A standout amongst the most applicable Hieroglyphic illustrations is the Maya Calendar.

The Maya logbook is an arrangement of particular schedules and chronological registries utilized by the Maya development. A few groups in Guatemala as yet utilizing comparable frameworks, even today. These date-books can be synchronized and interlocked, their mixes offering ascend to further, more broad cycles.

documentary national geographic, The Mayan framework backtracks to no less than 600 BC. It has numerous comparable viewpoints with different schedules utilized by before Mesoamerican human advancements, for example, the Zapotec and the Olmec, and later ones, for example, the Aztec. In spite of the fact that the Mesoamerican date-book did not start with the Maya, their consequent expansions and refinements of it were the most modern. Alongside those of the Aztecs, the Maya timetables are the best-recorded and most totally caught on.

By the Maya mythology, the god Itzamna is the one that conveyed the information of the date-book to the Maya. The most critical of these date-books is unified with a time of 260 days. This 260-day date-book was the most utilized over all Mesoamerican social orders, and is viewed as the most seasoned of the schedules frameworks. It depends on one of these schedules that we got the possibility of a doomsday in 2012. What is precisely what the Mayans anticipated? Did they anticipated anything? Is the Mayan Calendar intended to let us know about the apocalypse?

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