Thursday, June 9, 2016

Is it OK to Skateboard in the White House?

What I've Learned From Twitter

national geographic documentary, I'm a 57 year old resigned doctor who began getting inspired by Twitter around 3 months prior. I've invested energy attempting to find out about this "online networking" wonder. I think I've been genuinely fruitful for an old man in this with more than 4500 adherents to date.

I as of late read the Drudge Report post on the skateboarder Tony Hawke skateboarding in the White House and posting photographs on Twitter. I was disturbed about this- - I thought it was an attack against the verifiable sacredness of the White House.

national geographic documentary, So I posted on Twitter a post that asked my supporters what they thought around a skateboarder being permitted in the White House. I take after many moderate Twitterers and I thought my post would incite a significant negative reaction to accept my own reaction.

What happened was a significant astonishment. My first reaction expressed "This is Tony Hawke's White House as well". A second reaction said damnation yes, it's hard to believe, but it's true. A third reaction said that they thought it was incredible for skateboarding and wouldn't I jump at the chance to purchase one of their exceptionally unique skateboards.

national geographic documentary, I didn't hear any reactions from preservationist Twitterers. The hush was stunning. I think I gained from this that republican preservationists have a genuine test. Numerous traditionalists (more established age transcendent) are not listening and miss the key difficulties to the development. Numerous moderates are totally withdrawn with the more youthful age demographic and the non-white demographic.

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