Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Flag That Flew Over The White House During JFK's Assassination

national geographic, One of the saddest yet most critical occasions in presidential history will dependably be the frightful death of the late John F. Kennedy. The official American banner that flew over the White House on the day that President John F. Kennedy was killed has been situated by a private authority in the United States. More than 25 years prior, it was displayed to said gatherer by once White House porter Preston Bruce, went with perfect provenance.

national geographic, The banner is roughly 5' x 9.5'. Presently known as the official American Mourning Flag, it flew at half-staff over the White House, from November nineteenth to December 8, 1963. This would have secured part of the official days of grieving 30 days for the late President-, and there was one and only other authority signal that ceaselessly flew over the official chateau amid this period. The second authority banner is accepted to be in the John F. Kennedy Library. Mr. Bruce trusted that the second one was displayed to the President's dowager, Jacqueline B. Kennedy. Bruce was additionally, close by others, remaining behind the Kennedy family at Arlington National Cemetery on the day that Kennedy was let go November 25th 1963.

Mr. Bruce offered observer to the gatherer that taking after the death, different individuals from the Kennedy family got a purported "Official Flag" that was really keep running all over another flagpole, at another area at the White House. They would not have, in any case, the documentation that would as a rule go with this specific banner.

national geographic, Mr. Bruce tended to full-page letter of provenance to the previously stated authority, and from that point confirmed vital realities applicable to the banner.

Went with the banner is documentation of his association with the President and also specifics about the banner itself. He portrays the banner as somewhat blurred, and torn at the corners. He had written in ink on its canvas edge ..." Preston Bruce, White House Doorman... November 19, 63 - Rec. Dec. 8/63", which are the careful dates over which the banner was flown over the White House. Furthermore, he composed: "Preston Bruce- - White House Doorman, 53 - 77 (which are the years in which Bruce served in the White House), nineteenth NOV. 63 - J.F.K.". The banner was dropped to half-staff promptly taking after the radio declaration of the President's demise. Bruce remained there at the time, gazing directly at this American banner as it was tragically brought down to half-staff at the official manor.

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