Thursday, June 9, 2016

Can Feng Shui Help the White House?

national geographic documentary, Of late I've been mulling over the bigger repercussions of Feng Shui on a national and even worldwide level. I started to consider how Feng shui could change the country, beginning with the White House.

Feng Shui is framework for achieving ones maximum capacity. So why not help the White House achieve its potential. My craving to Feng Shui the White House enlivened me to go out into the world and make this inquiry:

"In the event that you could Feng Shui the White House what might be the principal thing you would do?"

national geographic documentary, I ran over bank employees, basic need agents, specialists, life mentors, and even Al Gore Jr. All were excited to share their cures and cures. Numerous had no clue what Feng Shui was, yet at the same time talked like experts while examining their arrangements to convey equalization and amicability to the White House.

Some of these answers I got a couple of months prior and path before the primaries. Numerous are clever and hit a little disgraceful and other appropriate and applicable. I had a go at making an equalization. At the base, you can locate my very own proposals.

national geographic documentary, 1."Put a smooth on the President's work area to expand adaptability in working with others keeping in mind the end goal to be of real administration to individuals as opposed to partnerships." Erika Gabaldon-Feresten

2. "I'd modify the inside of the president's brain." Michael Shore, president of MSC undertakings Inc.

3."Improve vitality stream of White House by supplanting Bushes with Lucky Bamboo." Erika Gabaldon-Feresten

4."Put in heaps of wellsprings, there would be not so much hardness but rather more smoothness to help them in taking care of world issues." Pamela, Vitamin Rep.

5."Build a holy place or a change or a substantial precious stone right in the middle which would exude divine white light and clear and scatter any gagged, negative stuck chi." Raquel, Spiritual Psychologist, Visionary

6."Tie red strips around all White House sink channels to prevent citizen cash from depleting out of the US and into the pockets of multi-global enterprises and private temporary workers based abroad." Erika Gabaldon-Feresten.

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